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Pottery depicting Mithras

This fragment of pottery depicting Mithras may have come from Gallia.
The New Mithraeum
11 Nov 2023

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According to Pagenstecher in JdI 27, 1912, 171f in the Museum at Calena there must be a fragment of pottery with a Mithras-representation, which should come from Gallia. "Kopf des stiertotenden Mithras. Die phrygische Mütze deckt das Haupt; der Sternübersäte Mantel flattert zurück. Über ihm der Rest eines gabelförmigen Gegenstandes, der Schweif eines Skorpions(?)".

Translation: Head of the bull-slaying Mithras. The Phrygian cap covers the head; the star-studded cloak flutters back. Above him is the remainder of a fork-shaped object, the tail of a scorpion (?).
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