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Inscription of Secundinus of Lyon

There is no consensus on the authenticity of this monument erected by a certain Secundinus in Lugdunum, Gallia.
Plaque of Secundinus from Lyon

Plaque of Secundinus from Lyon

The New Mithraeum
12 Nov 2023

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White marble stone (H. 0.36 Br. 0.14 D. 0.08). Still in the 16th cent. in Lyon
walled "in una casa vicina alIa porta e nella strada detta delle Forgie (Rue des Frages)" (Symeoni); then walled "in the flight of stairs in the house of Madame Pichon on the Place Saint-Jean, the former hotel of Chevrieres" (Spon); in the 18th cent. transported to Paris, where it was acquired by Caylus; afterwards in the Cabinet des Medailles; finally from 1929 in the Louvre.

Symeoni, Ill.ep., 139; Spon, Rech. Lyon, 29; Montfaucon, Ant. Expl. (SuppI.) I, 82; Seel, 312 PI. XIVb; N. Muller, Mithras, fig. 15;
