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Tauroctony of Mile, Jajce

This marble relief depicting Mithras as a bull-slayer was once owned by Major Holzhausen and Franz Cumont and is now housed at the Belgian Academy.
The New Mithraeum
20 Dec 2024

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Marble relief (H. 0.21 Br. 0.26 D. 0.025), found at Miline near Jajce. At first in the collection of Major Holzhausen, then in the Fr. Cumont collection in Rome; now Belgian Academy, Via Omero 8.Patsch in Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes XXXII, 1925,138; Gabričević AJ I, 1954, 37 No. 15; LeRoy Campbell in Berytus XI 1954,45 No. 21. See fig. 495.The rectangular relief has a representation of Mithras as a bullkiller with the raven, the serpent, the dog and the scorpion. Cautes (r) and Cautopates (I) are both cross-legged and each holds two torches upwards or downwards. The bu…
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