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Mithraeum situated in the Western corridor of a complex of buildings generally held to be as magazzini repubblicani (Reg. II, Is. II, 5).
The New Mithraeum

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Attention: This entry may not have been reviewed and could contain incorrect data.Mithraeum situated in the Western corridor of a complex of buildings generally held to be as magazzini repubblicani (Reg. II, Is. II, 5). Paribeni in NSc 1920, 156 and fig. 1, pianta 6; Becatti, Mitrei Ostia, 45 and fig. 9; PI. XXVI, 1. The Mithras-sanctuary (L. 14.96 Br. 5.90) is accessible by two entrances in the right wall. It is divided in a central-aisle (Br. 2.90) still partly covered with marble, and two side-benches (H. 0.45 Br. 1.50). Both benches can be ascended by steps at their ends. Besides, the left…
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