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Small cippus (H. 0.34 Br. 0.18 D. 0.16), found opposite the Theatre.
The New Mithraeum

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Attention: This entry may not have been reviewed and could contain incorrect data.Small cippus (H. 0.34 Br. 0.18 D. 0.16), found opposite the Theatre. NSc (S. 5) VII, 1910, 186 No.2; CIL XIV 4315; Becatti, 130 No.7 and PI. XXXIX, 3. [Na]ma Victori Patri / Aur(elius) Cresce[n]s / Aug (usti) lib (ertus) / fratres ex / speleo dilap/so in melio/ri restaura/vit. tratres: the two torchbearers. The cippus probably supported a statue of Cautes or Cautopates. Third cent. A.D.
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