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The New Mithraeum Database

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Your search gave 4 results.

  • Locus


    Macerata is a city and comune in central Italy, the county seat of the province of Macerata in the Marche region.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Macerata

    The Macerata Tauroctony shows Mithra slaying the bull with the usual Pyrigian cap and six rays around his head.

    TNMM392 – CIMRM 690, 691

    [I]nvicto Propitio / Sal(vius) Novanio / [L]ucianus / d(onum) p(osuit)
  • Syndexios

    Salvius Novanio

    Dedicated a relief of Mithras Tauroctonos in Macerata, Italy.
  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 628

    In 1946 Franz Cumont wrote me: "D'apres une notice que m'a communique Richard Wiinsch en 1910, Ie Lyceum Hosianum de Braunsberg en Prusse orientale possede (ou possMait car il n'existe peut-etre plus) un basrelief de Mithra, acquis pres de Rome".

    TNMM1135 – CIMRM 628

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