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Mithras Reader

autores varios; Israel Campos Méndez; Payam Nabarz

Mithras Reader: An academic and religious journal of Greek, Roman, and Persian studies is dedicated to all the religions of the classical world in all its aspects-literature, history, poetry and philosophy. It includes academic papers from researchers and…

Mithras Reader: An academic and religious journal of Greek, Roman, and Persian studies is dedicated to all the religions of the classical world in all its aspects-literature, history, poetry and philosophy. It includes academic papers from researchers and spiritual articles from practitioners of religions of the classical world. It also includes classical world based art work; both modern interpretations and traditional forms. This edition includes:
* Continuity and Change in the Cult of Mithra, by Dr. Israel Campos Méndez.
* Mithra and the warrior group Mithra and the Iranian words and images Introduction to Classes of Manichean, Mithraism and Sufiyeh, by Dr. Saloome Rostampoor.
* Entheos ho syros, polymathes ho phoinix: Neoplatonist approaches to religious practice in Iamblichus and Porphyry, by Sergio Knipe.
* Mithraism and Alchemy, by David Livingstone.
* Meeting Mithra, by Guya Vichi.
* Ode To Mithra, by Guya Vichi.
*Hymn to the Sun, by Katherine Sutherland.
* Mithras Liturgy with the Orphic Hymns, by Payam Nabarz


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