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Zurvanian Ceremony : Texts Zurvanism

Hashem Razi

The legend of two twins from the original, Abin Mitra Ahriman Izad in Abin Mitrai: Diq The Lion God on the Interpretation of the Mysteries and Preferences of the Originality of Algebra in the Zoroastrian Religion.

In this book, the branches of this ritual, its forms and development, its principles, and foundations have been examined. Initially, the focus is on the origin of Zoroastrian prayers, myths, and narratives within Zoroastrian studies. Next, ancient Zoroastrian narratives and their connections with other disciplines are addressed. Then, the myths of the Amesha Spenta (Holy Immortals), Ahriman (the evil spirit in Zoroastrianism), and divinities, as well as interpretations of symbols and signs related to Zoroastrian rituals, are reviewed. Lastly, the Fourfold Light is analyzed and considered in detail.


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