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Mitreo di Sutri

The Mithraeum of Sutri was built inside a rocky hill that also hosted the Roman theatre of the city.


  • CIMRM 653

    CIMRM 653
    Vermaseren's Corpus 

The New Mithraeum
20 May 2007
Updated on Nov 2024

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At Sutri (Sitrium), in the same rocky hill in which the Roman Theatre has been built, there is the Madonna del Parto’s church. From its structure it becomes clear, that this originally must have been a Mithraeum.

The present atrium of the church certainly served for a pronaos in the original Mithraeum. By it one enters the proper, orientated sanctuary (L. 21.20 Br. 6.70), which is sparsely illuminated by three windows in the leftside-wall. Two rows of ten columns, resting on one uninterrupted base, support the vault above the central aisle (Br. 2.47). The side-aisles however, have flat

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