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Mithraeum of the Baths of Caracalla

The Mitreo delle terme di Caracalla is one of the largest temples dedicated to Mithras ever found in Rome.
  • General view of the Mitreo delle Terme di Caracalla

    General view of the Mitreo delle Terme di Caracalla 

  • Plan of thee Mitreo delle Terme di Caracalla

    Plan of thee Mitreo delle Terme di Caracalla

The New Mithraeum
17 May 2007
Updated on Feb 2023

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Originally discovered in 1912, this mithraeum is considered the largest documented gathering space for the worshippers of Mithras. The mithraeum, approximately 23 meters long and 10 meters wide with a soaring cross-vaulted ceiling, can be only roughly dated by the two main events associated with the bath complex: the mithraeum was certainly created after the complex was completed in AD 217, and it was probably no longer in use when the aqueduct supplying the complex was cut during the Greco-Gothic Wars in 537. In reality, it probably went out of use long before 537, since most scholars hold

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