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Mithras riding a horse from Neuenheim

Mithras galloping, in a cypress forest, carrying a globe in one hand and accompanied by a lion and a snake.
The New Mithraeum
22 Jul 2009
Updated on May 2023

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Relief in red sandstone (H. 0.48 Br. 0.34 D. 0.135), found at Neuenheim int he immediate neighbourhood of the Mithraeum. Heidelberg, Kurpfälzisches Museum, Inv. No. 915.

The arched relief shows Mithras riding a galloping horse to the r. The god is clad in a short tunic and in a flying cloak; he wears a Phrygian cap. In his r.h. he holds a globe. He is accompanied by a serpent and a lion. The background of the relief is formed by cypresses and other trees. Stark, Zwei Mithraen, 4 and 27; Mithrassteine Dorm., 24f and Pl. IV, 2; MMM H 424 No. 310 and fig. 357; Forrer, MH, fig. 82; Lehner, Fü…

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