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Tauroctony of Neuenheim

The Tauroctony relief of Neuenheim, Heidelberg, includes several scenes from the deeds of Mithras and other gods.
Tauroctonia de Neuenheim / Heidelberg

Tauroctonia de Neuenheim / Heidelberg

The New Mithraeum
24 May 2010
Updated on May 2023

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Relief in red sandstone (H. 2.26 Br. 2.40). Karlsruhe, Badisches Landesmuseum. I am deeply indebted to Dr. R. Schnellbach and Dr. Eva Zimmermann for sending me the photographs. The Museum was badly damaged during World-War II and therefore it was not possible for me to check all the monuments personally.

The monument has a base (H. 0.42) and consists of a main scene surrounded by other minor scenes on three sides, In the centre the usual representation of Mithras as a bullkiller, whose tail ends in seven corn-ears, The face of the god has a sorrowful expression and it looks towards the


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