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Tauroctony of Dormagen

The sculpture of Mithras slaying the bull found in Dormagen is exposed at Bonn Landesmuseum.


The New Mithraeum
20 May 2021
Updated on Oct 2023

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Relief in limestone (H.0.51 Br. 0.57 D.0.16). Bonn, Rheinisches Landesmuseum. Mithras as a bullkiller in the usual attitude and dress. His l. arm from the elbow is missing. The bull is represented and its tail ends in three corn-ears. The background is rocky; the dog leaps up against the bull; the serpent creeps over the ground; the scorpion is in the usual place. In the r. upper corner Luna. The face of Mithras, the bust of Sol and the raven are lost.

Lajard, Pl. LXXXI; Stark, o.c., Pl. I; Dorow, l.c.; MMM II 387 and fig. 299; Hettner, Katalog, No. 70; Koepp, Germ. Rom., IV, 57 and Taf. XX…

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