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Mithräum von Dormagen

Workman digging in a field near Dormagen found a vault. Against one of the walls were found two monuments related to Mithras.
  • Findings from the Mithraeum of Dormagen

    Findings from the Mithraeum of Dormagen
    From Jost Auler's Archäoleogische Ausgrabungen in Dormagen 

  • Bryaxis


  • Fragmented tauroctony of Dormagen

    Fragmented tauroctony of Dormagen

23 Jan 2011
Updated on Sep 2023

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Workman digging in a field near Dormagen (Durnomagus) found a vault in which there was a chamber ten feet high, ten feet board and forty week long. Peter Delhoven, a prominent collector of Roman artifacts, particpated in the excavation of the mithräum. The interior walls still had evident traces of green and red paint on the walls.

Against one of the walls were found two monuments. The first monument was 2 1/2 feet [76 cm] high and two feet [61 cm] wide. It was made of limestone. Mithras and the bull depicted on the relief were damaged. The heads, arms and legs were damaged, but the


Related monuments

Tauroctony of Dormagen

The sculpture of Mithras slaying the bull found in Dormagen is exposed at Bonn Landesmuseum.

Fragmented tauroctony of Dormagen

This second tauroctony, found in the Mithraeum of Dormagen, was consecrated by a man of Thracian origin.

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