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Head of Mithras at Nemrud Dag

The colossal head has been identified as a solar god, Apollo-Mihr-Mithras-Helios-Hermes.
  • Head of Mithras with the body sculptures behind.

    Head of Mithras with the body sculptures behind.
    Mr Hicks46 

  • Head of Mithras (left).

    Head of Mithras (left).
    Zorka Sojka 

  • Head of Mithras at Nemrut Dag

    Head of Mithras at Nemrut Dag
    Herbert Frank 

  • Head of Antiochus I of Commagene.

    Head of Antiochus I of Commagene.
    Adrian Farwell 

  • Head of Antiochus I of Commagene in mount Nemrud Dag.

    Head of Antiochus I of Commagene in mount Nemrud Dag.

  • West Terrace on Mount Nemrut, the goddess of Commagene still has her head on the shoulders - from Humann, Carl i Puchstein, Otto

    West Terrace on Mount Nemrut, the goddess of Commagene still has her head on the shoulders - from Humann, Carl i Puchstein, Otto
    Public domain 

The New Mithraeum
22 May 2021
Updated on Dec 2023

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Head of the Mithras-statue at Nemrud-Dagh.

Head of beardless Mithras in Phrygian cap, point of which is missing. Round the hem of the cap a diadem, omated with thunderbolts. Two hanging ribbons cover his ears.

Humann-Puchstein Reisen 295 and Pl. XXXI I; MMM II 187 No. 2 and fig. 9; Goell in ILN 1955 1094 ff gives a report about new excavations.

Mount Nemrut (Armenian: Նեմրութ լեռ) is a mountain in southeastern Turkey, notable for the summit where a number of large statues are erected around what is assumed to be a royal tomb from the 1st century BC. It is referred as

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Mount Nemrut Dağı

Mount Nemrut or Nemrud is one of the highest peaks in the eastern Taurus Mountains, southeastern Turkey. On its summit large statues stand around what is supposed to be a royal tomb from the 1st century BC.

Antiochus I shakes hands with Mithras

Antiochus I of Commagene shakes Mithras hands in this relief from the Nemrut Dagi temple.

Lion relief from Nemrut Dag

The lion relief from Nemrut Dag has the moon and several stars over his body.

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