Head of Mithras at Nemrud Dag
The colossal head has been identified as a solar god, Apollo-Mihr-Mithras-Helios-Hermes.
The New Mithraeum
22 May 2021
Updated on Dec 2023
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Head of beardless Mithras in Phrygian cap, point of which is missing. Round the hem of the cap a diadem, omated with thunderbolts. Two hanging ribbons cover his ears.
Humann-Puchstein Reisen 295 and Pl. XXXI I; MMM II 187 No. 2 and fig. 9; Goell in ILN 1955 1094 ff gives a report about new excavations.
Mount Nemrut (Armenian: Նեմրութ լեռ) is a mountain in southeastern Turkey, notable for the summit where a number of large statues are erected around what is assumed to be a royal tomb from the 1st century BC. It is referred as