Marble column with inscription. At an antiquarian in Athens (Cumont in BCR LIX, 1931, 179).CIL III S. 6774; 12135; MMM II No. 2.Solem / Soli invicto / Mythrae / pro salute et incolu/mitate / Chresimi Aug(ustorum) / n(ostrorum) dispensatoris / Callimorphus arkar/ius eiusdem / votum solvit / libens animo.So Callimorphus dedicated an image of Sol to Mithras.A letter from Father Jos. Brucker, of the Society of Jesus, informs me of an interesting epigraphic discovery which has just been made at Caesarea in Cappadocia by a French missionary of the same order, Father Brunel. Four or five metres under…