Column of Callimorphus
Callimorphus dedicated this image of the sun god to the invincible sun 'Mythra'.
The New Mithraeum
2 May 2010
Updated on Sep 2023
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CIL III S. 6774; 12135; MMM II No. 2.
Solem / Soli invicto / Mythrae / pro salute et incolu/mitate / Chresimi Aug(ustorum) / n(ostrorum) dispensatoris / Callimorphus arkar/ius eiusdem / votum solvit / libens animo.
So Callimorphus dedicated an image of Sol to Mithras.
A letter from Father Jos. Brucker, of the Society of Jesus, informs me of an interesting epigraphic discovery which has just been made at Caesarea in Cappadocia by a French missionary of the same order, Father Brunel. Four