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Mithraic exvoto of Dalmatia

The altar that now stands in Split was dedicated to Invincible Mithras for the health of a dear friend.
Dedication altar from Salona

Dedication altar from Salona
The New Mithraeum / Olivier-Antoine Reÿnès (CC BY-SA) 

The New Mithraeum
16 Jan 2022
Updated on Aug 2023

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A small altar, found in 1886 being used in a house at Solin (ancient Salona, capital of Roman Dalmatia) bears on its front face a five-linededication to Mithras partly within a tabula ansata:

D(eo) inv(icto) Mlithrael / L(ucius) Corn(elius) Apalaus/tus pro s(atute) M(arci) Vivi / Cresti amic(i) kariss(imi) / ex voto p(osuit).

“To the invincible god Mithras, Lucius Cornelius Apalaustus, for the health of his dearest friend Marcus Vivius Crestus, placed (here) as a votive.”

A tabula ansata takes the form of a rectangular cartouche with both ends terminating in a dovetail. It often b…
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