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Altar from Mitreo di San Clemente

The altar of the Mithraeum of San Clemente bears the Tauroctony on the front, Cautes and Cautopates on the right and left sides and a serpent on the back.
Altar of Mithraeum San Clemente

Altar of Mithraeum San Clemente 

The New Mithraeum
31 Jan 2022
Updated on Oct 2023

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Altar of Parian marble (H. 1.12 Br. 0.63), discovered partly in the sanctuary itself, partly in the irregular room opposite the Mithraeum. Kept in the spelaeum.

The altar has been decorated with reliefs on four sides. In the front side Mithras is slaying the bull in a grotto. Dog and serpent with their heads near the wound; scorpion on the usual place. The god is looking at the raven perched on the rock border. In the upper corners the dressed busts of Sol with, seven rays around his head, and of Luna.

On the left side Cautopates in Eastern attire, not cross-legged. On the r. side


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