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Inscription of Apronianus to the res publica of the Aequiculi

This inscription to Mithras Invencible was dedicated by a certain Apronianus in 172 is currently lost.
The New Mithraeum
20 May 2023

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Inscription, found 'sub Nesce, in contrada Silvestri vicino il casale Domizi'.

Invicto Mithrae / Apronianus arkar(ius) / rei p(ublicae) d(onum) d(edit). / Dedicatum VII kal(endas) Iul(ias) / Maximo et Orfito co(n)s(ulibus) / per C. Arennium Rea/tinum patrem.

172 A.D.

CIL IX 4109; MMM II No. 152.

Inscription found in Nesce (loc. contrada Silvestri), 25th June 172 CE. Currently lost.

CIL IX 4109; ILS 4190; TMMM2 (Inscr. 152); CIMRM 647; Buonocore 1992 (p. 226); Buonocore 2009 (p. 288); Ricci and Di Meo 2013 (p. 38).
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