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Claudius Arennius Reatinus

Alias Caius Arennius Reatinus

Pater from Nersae, Italia, known by an inscription of his mithraic Apronianus.

of Claudius Arennius Reatinus

TNMP 191

We have evidence of this pater from Nersea thanks to an inscription, now lost, dedicated to Mithras Invictus by the public treasurer Apronianus. The slab dates from the 25th of June, in the year of the consuls Maximus and Orfitus, and under the office of the pater C. Arennius Reatinus.

The praenomen (Caius, Claudius…) in uncertain.


  • Vittoria Canciani (2022) Archaeological Evidence of the Cult of Mithras in Ancient Italy


Inscription of Apronianus to the res publica of the Aequiculi

TNMM 590

This inscription to Mithras Invencible was dedicated by a certain Apronianus in 172 is currently lost.

Invicto Mithrae / Apronianus arkar(ius) / rei p(ublicae) d(onum) d(edit). / Dedicatum VII kal(endas) Iul(ias) / Maximo et Orfito co(n)s(ulibus) / per C. Arennium Rea/tinum patrem.
To the unconquered Mithras. The public treasurer Apronianus gave as a gift. Dedicated on the 25th of June, in the year of the consules Maximus and Orfitus, under the office of the pater Caius Arennius Reatinus.



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