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Mosaic of Cautes and Cautopates in the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere

At the entrance to the Mithraeum of the Seven Sferes, Cautopates holds the torch with both hands and Cautes holds the torch in his right hand and a cock in his left.
Cautes mosaic in Mitreo delle Sette Sfere

Cautes mosaic in Mitreo delle Sette Sfere
The New Mithraeum / Andreu Abuín (CC BY-NC-SA) 

The New Mithraeum
18 Sep 2023

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On the fronts of the benches, facing the entrance, two other representations in mosaic:

1) Standing Cautopates in Eastern attire, who points down the burning torch with both hands. Not cross-legged. Left bench.

2) Standing Cautes, cross-legged, dressed in a short tunica only. In the outstretched r.h. he holds a burning torch, on the other hand a cock. Right bench.

Related monuments

Mitreo delle Sette Sfere

The Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres (Sette Sfere) is of great importance for the understanding of the cult, because of its black-and-white mosaics depicting the planets, the zodiac and related elements.

Tauroctony of the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere

The relief of Mithras slaying the bull from the Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres was discovered in 1802 by Petirini by order of Pope Pius VII.

Inscription found in the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere

As this short inscription indicates, Aemilio Epaphorodito was both Pater and priest of the Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres.

Inscription of Tellius Agatho in Mitreo delle Sette Sfere

This inscription found in the Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres mentions the Pater Marco Aemiliio Epaphrodito known from other monuments in Ostia.


Mosaic of Sette Sfere

The floor mosaic of the Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres, which gives its name to the temple, depicts a dagger.

Bench mosaics of the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere

Diana-Luna, Mercurius, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mars are depicted in the mosaics on the benches of this mithraeuma.

Zodiac signs on the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere

The rich mosaics of the Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres include the the signs of the Zodiac.

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