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Mithraeum of Cirta

An inscription mentioning a speleum decorated by Publilius Ceionius suggests the location of a mithraeum in Cirta, the capital of Numidia.
Plan of the underground mosque including the Mithras Temple.

Plan of the underground mosque including the Mithras Temple.
Lucien Jacquot 

The New Mithraeum
18 Sep 2023
Updated on Jun 2024

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Speleum cum [sig]/nis et omamen[tis] / Publilius Ceion[ius] / Caecina Albinu[s v(ir) c(larissimus)].

The sanctuary has not been found.

Publilius Ceionius was a praeses consularis of Numidia under Valentinianus and Valens (364-367).

Referring to this inscription, E. Levi in Rec. Const. XLV, 1911, 265ff observes that there are a great many of caves in the neighbourhood. The inscription was discovered à la Kasbah and he therefore thinks it acceptable, that a possible Mithraeum should have been in the immediate surroundings. There is a supposition, that it might have been a cave, called

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Slab with inscription by Publilius Ceionius of Cirta

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