Slab with inscription by Publilius Ceionius of Cirta
This inscription shows that Publilius Ceionius, most distinguished man, dedicated a temple to Mithras at Mila, in the modern Constantina, Algeria.
The New Mithraeum
14 Jun 2024
Updated on Jul 2024
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Publilius Ceionius was a praeses consularis of Numidia under Valentinianus and Valens (364-367).
Referring to this inscription, E. Levi in Rec. Const. XLV, 1911, 265ff observes that there are a great many of caves in the neighbourhood. The inscription was discovered à la Kasbah and he therefore thinks it acceptable, that a possible Mithraeum should have been in the immediate surroundings.
Description from CIL VIII: Rectangular block broken at right, H 43, W 82 cm.