Tauroctony of Euhemerus from Alba Iulia
Several authors read the name Suaemedus instead of Euhemerus as the author of this mithraic relief from Alba Iulia, Romania.
The New Mithraeum
22 Oct 2023
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Lajard, Intr., XCVIII; Basrel. Transsylv., 38ff and Pl. II; Kappen, Nachricht, 14 No. XIII; Neigebauer, Dac., 158; de Hammer, Mithriaca, 92 No. 10; MMM II 315f No. 199 and fig. 175; Cserni, 339f and fig. 45. See fig. 515.
In the centre Mithras (traces of red colour) as a bullkiller with the dog and the serpent. The raven and the scorpion are not visible. The torchbearers are not cross-legged. Cautopates