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Alias Suaemedus

Euhemerus was a Greek or Greco-Oriental man of modest status.

  • Tauroctony of Alba Iulia

    Tauroctony of Alba Iulia

of Euhemerus

TNMP 232

Regarding the name of Euhemerus inscribed on the tauroctony he had made in Apulum, Köppen read Su[.]emed[. ]s; Lajard, for his part, Sumemedius; Reinbold read supremis divis, accepted by Neigebaur; Ackner and Müller proposed supermfdivis; Mommsen, followed later by Cumont, Kerényi, Vermaseren and Detschew, in turn proposed Suaemedus, seen by the latter as a name of Thracian origin, and so followed by Pintilie; Cserni preferred suae medus. We follow Russu's reading, which is also accepted and followed by Piso (IDR III/5, 274).

The dedicator, Euhemerus, bears a name of Greek origin (Εὐήμερος; see Solin, DGPR, p. 794 ff., quoted by Piso), the same as that of the Greek rationalist philosopher of 300 BC who explained the gods of Greek mythology as human persons.

Euhemerus was a Greek or Greco-Oriental, of modest social status, probably a slave or freedman (see, for example, CIL III, 8807: C. Volusione Euhemero conlibert).



Tauroctony of Euhemerus from Alba Iulia

TNMM 663

Several authors read the name Suaemedus instead of Euhemerus as the author of this mithraic relief from Alba Iulia, Romania.

Deo invicto Mithr(a)e / Euhemerus ex voto / posuit.
The invincible god Mithras, Euhemerus put by a vow.



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