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Tauroctony of Chrestos

This relief of Mithras killing the bull, signed by a certain Χρῆστος, is on display in the Sala dei Animali of the Vatican Museum.
  • Tauroctony relief in Sala dei Animali

    Tauroctony relief in Sala dei Animali
    Carole Raddato 

  • CIMRM 554

    CIMRM 554
    Vermaseren's Corpus 

The New Mithraeum
25 Oct 2023

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White marble relief (H. 0.43 Br. 0.72 D. 0.05), broken in two. Vatican Museum, Sala dei Animali, No. 149.

Zoega, Abh., 149 No. 15; Gerhard-Platner, 198 No. 34; MMM II 211f No. 31; Amelung, Skulpt. Vat., II (1), 46 No. 17 and Taf. 5. See fig. 158 (Sansaini).

In a cave Mithras, slaying the bull, whose tail ends in three ears. Dog and serpent near the wound; the scorpion on the usual place; the raven is perched on the border of the cave. In the upper corners Sol (l) in diadem and radiate crown, driving upwards in a quadriga; on the other side Luna (r) with crescent behind her shoulders,

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