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Candelabrum of Doryphorus

This magnificent candelabrum was found in Rome in 1803, in the Syrian Temple of Janicule.
  • Candelabrum of Doryphorus

    Candelabrum of Doryphorus 

  • Candelabrum of Doryphorus detail

    Candelabrum of Doryphorus detail

The New Mithraeum
25 Oct 2023

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Candelabrum of penthelic marble (H. 2.70), found in the sanctuary of the Syrian gods in 1803. At first at Rome in the house of a sculptor behind the Capitol, afterwards in Palazzo Giustiniani, further in the Coll. of Cardinal Fesch and from 1816 in Paris, Louvre, Inv. No. 2754.

Bouillon, Mus. Ant., III, Candélabres, Pl. 3 No. 1; Clarac, Mus. Sculpt., II, 946 and Pl. 257 No. 640; Pl. LXI No. 553 E; Froehner, Not. Sculpt., 387 No. 424; MMM II 225 No. 59 and fig. 55; Gauckler, Sanct. Syr., 159ff; Vermaseren, Mithrasdienst Rome, 85f.

The candelabrum has three legs, decorated with acanthus.
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