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Tauroctony of Vratnitsa

This relief of Mithras as a bullkiller found at Vratnitsa, near Lisicici in northern Macedonia, was signed by a certain Menander Aphrodisieus.
Tauroctony of Vratnitsa

Tauroctony of Vratnitsa
Ubi Erat Lupa / Ortolf Harl 

The New Mithraeum
26 Oct 2023

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Rectangular relief in limestone (H. 0.44 Br. 0.565). Now walled in to the r. of the door of the vicarage at Podhum. The relief was found in the grounds of Alija Lihic in Vratnica near Lisicici in Herzegovina. As in these grounds, on the r. bank of the Narenta many Roman bricks were found, Patsch was of the opinion that a sanctuary existed here, but only excavations can confirm this.

Patschin WMBH IV, 1896, 252f; et. 271 and design; MMM II 502 No. 234bis; Patsch in WMBH IX, 1904,250 and fig. 125; Gabricevic in AJ I, 1954,37 No. 17. See fig. 488 kindly given by Gabricevic.

Mithras as a

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