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Tauroctony of Ruše

This relief of Mithras tauroctonus and other finds were discovered in 1845 in Ruše, where a Mithraeum probably existed.
Tauroctony of Ruše

Tauroctony of Ruše
Wilhelm Kubitschek via 

The New Mithraeum
27 Oct 2023

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White marble relief (H. 0.76 Br. 1.10 D.0.17), now in the Castle of Fala at the Drave. The relief was found in 1845 on the bank of the Drave, east of the small river Rast, which here runs into the Drave. The following monuments are from the same findspot in Ruse (Maria Rast). Therefore it is highly probable that here a Mithraeum existed.

Müllner in Grazer Tagespast 1873 No. 37; Abramic in Jb. f. Altertumsk. II, 1908, 18f; Skrabar in Casopis XVII, 1922, 15; Schmid in BRGK XV, 1923-24, 210 and fig. 9; AIJ I, 49 No. 114 and fig.; Schmid, Steiermark, No. 1.

Mithras as a bullkiller in a

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