Altar of Castlesteads
Horsley thought that, like some other inscriptions in the Naworth Collection, this altar also had come from Birdoswald.
The New Mithraeum
1 Nov 2023
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CIL VII 831; MMM II No. 489.
D(eo) S(oli) / invicto / N(abarze?) pesm/cus Licinii / Ripanus praef(ectus) v(otum) s(olvit).
There seem to be three praefericula upon the top of the capital which is very singular (Horsley).
EDCS 7900802
De[o] Soli / [Invi]cto / M[ith]r[a]e M[ar]/cus Liciniu[s] / Ripanus / praef(ectus) v(otum) s(olvit) [l(ibens) m(erito)]