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Altar to Semele from Cologne

This sandstone altar found in Cologne bears an inscription to the goddess Semele and her sisters.
  • Altar to Semele from Cologne

    Altar to Semele from Cologne
    Kresimir Matijevic 

  • Altar to Semele, right side.

    Altar to Semele, right side.
    Kresimir Matijevic 

  • Altar to Semele, right side.

    Altar to Semele, right side.
    Kresimir Matijevic 

The New Mithraeum
7 Nov 2023
Updated on Jul 2024

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Altar in sandstone (H. 0.71) found in 1674.

MMM II No. 574b.

The l. side of the altar is decorated with a tympanum against a pedum under which a large altar. On the r. side an altar with a thyrsus and erotala. The front bears an inscription:

Deae Semelae et / sororibus eiuis (sic!) / deabus ob honorem / sacri matratus / Reginia fraterna / mater nata et facta aram po/suit sub sacerdota[e] Seranio Catullo patre.

patre: certainly the father of a Mithras community which had relations with a cult for women with a mater.

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