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Dedication to Zeus-Helios, Mithras, and Phanes

This is the first known inscription that includes Phanes alongside Mithras found in a Mithraic context.
The New Mithraeum
30 Sep 2024
Updated on Oct 2024

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On the remnants of a bracket, decorated with leaves of acanthus (H. 0.21 Br. 0.51 D. 0.13). Mus. Capitolino.

Remains of a console decorated with acanthus leaves, length 51 cm, height 21 cm, recently discovered in Rome on Via Marmorata, the road that runs between the Tiber and the steep slope of the Aventine Hill. It was published and commented on by Mr. Goffredo Patriarca in the article Tre iscrizioni relative al culto di Mitra, in the Bull. della Comm. Arch. comunale, LX, 1932, pp. 3 and following. The author notes that the location of the find was near the Emporium, a vast warehouse

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