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Tauroctony from Antium

This marble relief depicting Mithras killing the bull, found at Porto d’Anzio in 1699 and now lost, is known from a engraving by del Torre.
  • Tauroctony from Antium.

    Tauroctony from Antium.

  • CIMRM 204

    CIMRM 204
    Vermaseren's Corpus 

The New Mithraeum
26 Dec 2024

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Marble relief (Br. 1.50), found at Porto d’Anzio in 1699. Lost.Torre, Mon. Vet. Antii, 157f with fig.; Montfaucon, Ant. Expl. I (2) 379 and PI. CCXVI, 2; Eichhorn, De deo Sole, fig. 3; N. Müller, Mithras, fig. 4; Seel, 255 fig. a (See fig. 64); de Hammer, Mithriaca, No. 5; MMM II 247 No. 86 and fig. 79. The relief, which is only known to us as an engraving, shows Mithras as a bull-killer in the usual attitude and dress. Dog, serpent and scorpion are present. The god looks back at two fighting ravens behind him. On either side in a short tunica only, the torchbearers Cautes (r) and Cautopat…
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