Attention: This entry may not have been reviewed and could contain incorrect data.Marble statuette (H. 0.57 Br. O. 22), according to Giornale d’Italia 28, 3, 1860 (quoted by Benndorf-Schöne, 359 No. 586) found together with the preceding Nos. Becatti, Mitrei Ostia, 55 and PI. XXXVII, 2; Lateran Mus. No. 966. Cautopates dressed in short tunica and a cloak, which is draped over the l. arm. Not crossed-legged. On the head with long hair no Phrygian cap. With his r.h. he points a burning torch downwards. Beside his l. leg a piece of rock, tapering upwards (petra genetrix). Behind the other leg …