Thrasyllus of Mendes
Tiberius Claudius Thrasyllus
Alias Thrasyllus of Alexandria
Thrasyllus was an Egyptian of Greek descent grammarian, astrologer and a friend of the Roman emperor Tiberius.
of Thrasyllus of Mendes
- Thrasyllus of Mendes was a syndexios (probably a Pater).
- Born in Mendes, Aegyptus, Aegyptus.
- Active c. 30 BCE – 36 in Rhodes, Achaea.
TNMP 179
He is Thrasyllus of Mendes an astrologer and philosopher whom Tiberius befriended during his self-imposed exile on Rhodes. Mendes was an ancient city in Nile Delta. Thrasyllus exercised great influence over Tiberius up to the emperor’s death and his son Balbillus was court astrologer to three successive emperors. Thrasyllus was married to a member of the Commagene Royal family, Princess Aka and they presumably came to Rome with Tiberius when he returned from exile.
[...] It has long been a mystery how and when the god Mithras was introduced to Rome. Mithras became very popular in the later Roman empire and many have speculated how this ’new religion’ might have developed from the more ancient deity Mitra. A leading writer on the subject is Roger Beck who suspected that the astrologer Balbillus, the son of Thrasyllus, was a leading candidate as the person who effectively created the Roman mysteries of Mithras. Roger Beck elaborates on the idea that the new religion may have emanated from the Royal Court of Commagene (a kingdom which now falls in modern day Turkey / Syria). Franz Cumont had previously identified a link with the kingdom of Commagene. So it is interesting to note that Thrasyllus’ wife, Aka, was a Princess from Commagene and may therefore be part of the link.
It has also been noted that Thrasyllus has been described as the most profound scholar of his age. It is recognised that he distorted Platonic doctrine and mixed it with Neo Pythagorean and Oriental occultism. In short, it is possible that Thrasyllus played a key role in creating and promoting the new mysteries of Mithras. It now seems possible that he introduced them to Rome when he accompanied Tiberius there from Rhodes in around AD. Tacitus records Tiberius’s interest in astrology, ’the Chaldean Art’, which he learnt from Thrasyllus when in Rhodes. Tacitus also records that Thrasyllus was one of Tiberius’s closest companions.
—Graham Baker (2021) Ovid Decoded: The poet’s arch enemy unmasked and linked to the introduction of the cult of Mithras to Augustan Rome.
- Graham Barker (2021) Ovid Decoded: The poet’s arch enemy unmasked and linked to the introduction of the cult of Mithras to Augustan Rome
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