Massimo Livadiotti
Some of Massimo Livadiotti's works illustrate the introductory pages on the Mysteries of Mithras of this website.

Born in Zavia (Libya) he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in 1981, lives and works in Rome.
In addition to numerous solo exhibitions in Milan, Rome, Bologna, Parma, Latin in major private galleries, also includes two personal anthologies at the Petofi Museum in Budapest (1997) and at La Sociedad Nationales de Belas Arte in Lisbon (2000). Among the major public exhibitions we can mention in 1999 the exhibition "Giants" at the Forum of Nerva in Rome, he exhibited at the Mole Vanvitelliana in Ancona in 2005, in 2007 he participated in the XVI edition of the Triennial of Sacred Art in Celano (L'Aquila) and in 2010 at the LXI edition of the Michetti Prize in Francavilla a Mare (Ch). He has exhibited in various public exhibition spaces in Rome as the Palazzo delle Esposizioni (Quadrennial 1996), Museo del Corso, Vittoriano and Macro. Abroad he has participated in numerous collective exhibitions in prestigious public spaces and museums in Belgium, United States, Germany, Pakistan, Australia…
His work has been the subject of study for thesis at the University La Sapienza of Rome and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania.
His works are found in major public and private collections such as the Collection of the Farnesina, Galleria Comunale di Arte Moderna in Rome, Bulgari Collection, Pontifical Institute of Sacred Archaeology in Rome. In the province of Rieti are 2 altarpieces commissioned to the artist at the Church of S. Maria Nuova in Toffia and at the Church of S. John the Evangelist in Bocchigniano.