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Budaörs is a town in Pest County, in the metropolitan area of Budapest, Hungary. Before the Romans, the Celtic tribe of Eraviscus occupied the area for about 100 years.

Mithraic monuments of Budaors


Altar to Sol by brothers of Budaors

This fragmented altar was erected by two brothers from the Legio II Adiutrix who also built a temple.

CIMRM 1793

Inscriptions of Budaors

Sol(i) Soc(io) / M(arcus) Aur(elius) Fron/tinianus / et M(arcus) Aur(elius) Fr[o]/nto mil(ites) leg(ionis) /II Ad(iutricis) fratres / templ(um) const(ituerunt) / Antonino / IIII co(n)s(ule).
To the sun god, Marcus Aurelius Frontinianus and Marcus Aurelius Fronto, soldiers of the Second Adiutrix Legion, brothers, have built a temple in the consulship of Antoninus IV.

Altar to Sol by brothers of Budaors
