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The Bad Ischl area has been inhabited since the time of the prehistoric Hallstatt culture. Documentary evidence of the settlement dates back to 1262, when it was referred to as Iselen.

Brothers active in Esca

Mithraic monuments of Esca


Altar of Secundinus from Bad Ischl

A certain Secundinus, steward of the emperor, dedicated this altar to Mithras in Noricum, today Austria.

CIMRM 1407

Inscriptions of Esca

D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) / Secun/dinus Aug(usti) n(ostri) v/il(icus) sta/t(ionis) Esc(ensis) vo/t(um) ret(tulit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
To the Unconquered God Mithras, Secundinus, the steward of our Emperor’s estate at the station in Esca, willingly, joyfully, and deservedly fulfilled his vow.

Altar of Secundinus from Bad Ischl


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