The Danubian provinces represent one of the largest macro-units within the Roman Empire, with a large and rich heritage of Roman material evidence. Although the notion itself is a modern 18th-century creation, this region represents a unique area, where t…
In The Cult of Mithras in Late Antiquity David Walsh explores how the cult of Mithras developed across the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D. and why by the early 5th century the cult had completely disappeared. Contrary to the traditional narrative that the cult…
The bronze bears the dedication of a restoration of a Mithraeum carried out in 183.
D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) pro salute imp(eratoris) [[Commodi]] Auglustil pii / qui templum vii conlapsum impendio suo restituerunt / et mortalitat8is) causa convener(unt) / Marullo
et Aeliano coln/s(…
Upon first examination, archaeologists interpreted the inscription on the cult vessel from Gradishje as referencing Mithras, though it has since been re-evaluated.
The Bad Ischl area has been inhabited since the time of the prehistoric Hallstatt culture. Documentary evidence of the settlement dates back to 1262, when it was referred to as Iselen.