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Dalj is a village on the Danube in eastern Croatia, near the confluence of the Drava and Danube, on the border with Serbia.

Mithraic monuments of Teutoburgium


Altar of Veturius Dubitatus from Dalj

This limestone altar dedicated to Mithras by a certain Veturius Dubitatus was found in Dalj, Croatia, in 1910.

CIMRM 1635


Altar of Iulius Rasci from Borovo

This Mithraic altar of a certain Iulius Rasci or Racci was found in 1979 in a field in Borovo, Croatia, in the area of the Roman fort of Teutoburgium.

Inscriptions of Teutoburgium

I(nvicto) d(eo) M(ithrae) / [Ve?]t(urius) Du/[bi]tatus / [vet(eranus)] a(lae) I (primae) c(ivium) R(omanorum) / [e]x dupl(icario) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
To the Invincible God Mithras, Veturius Dubitatus, veteran of the first ala of the Roman citizens, ex duplicarius, fulfilled his vow willingly and deservedly.

Altar of Veturius Dubitatus from Dalj

Invicto / Mitre / Iul(ius) Rasci or Racci /[—].
To the Invincible Mithras Iulius Rasci[—] or Racci[—]...

Altar of Iulius Rasci from Borovo


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