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Ceanu Mic

Mithraic monuments of Ceanu Mic


Altar of Ceanu Mic

This limestone altar to Sol Invictus Mithra was found at Turda in 1905.

CIMRM 2377


Altar of Valerianus from Ceanu Mic

This is the second altar found in Ceanu Mic to date, dedicated to an Invictus being.

CIMRM 2376

Inscriptions of Ceanu Mic

S(oli) I(nvicto) M(ithrae).
To Sol Invicto Mithras.

Altar of Ceanu Mic

Inv(icto) / V(alerius ?) Va(lerianus?) / bo(tum) po(suit).
Valerius Valerianus placed [this offering] as a vow to the Unconquered.

Altar of Valerianus from Ceanu Mic


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