Brothers active in Statio
Mithraic monuments of Statio
Mitreo di Angera
The existence of a mithraeum in the "tana del lupo", a natural cave in the castle of Angera, has been assumed since the 19th century, following the discovery of two mithraic inscriptions in the town.
Inscription of two lions from Angera
This marble base found in Angera in 1868 bears the inscription of two people who reached the degree of Leo.
Inscription of Valerianus Petalus
In this inscription, found in Angera in Lombardy, Mithras is referred to by the unicum 'adiutor'.
Inscriptions of Statio
Cautopati sac[r(um)] / M(arcus) Status Nig[er] / VI vir aug(ustalis) c(reatus) d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) [M(ediolanensium)] / leg(atus?) dend(rophorum) c(oloniae) A(ureliae?) A(ugustae?) M(ediolanii) / et C(aius) Valerius lulia[nus?] / leones leg(ati?) v(otum) s(olverunt) l(ibentes) m(erito).
Consecrated to Cautopates. Marcus Statius Niger, sevir Augustalis appointed by a decree of the town council and representative of the dendrophoroi of the colonia Aurelia Augusta Mediolanensium, and Caius Valerius Iulianus, both leones and representatives, fulfilled their vow willingly and deservedly.
Inscription of two lions from Angera
D(eo) S(oli) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / adiutor(i) / Valerian(us) / Petalus v(otum) [s(olvit)].
To the invincible god Sol Mithras protector (adiutor), Valerianus Petalus [has] fulfilled his vow.
- Bricault; Roy (2021) Les cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire Romain
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Inscription of Valerianus Petalus in EDCS
- Stefano De Togni (2018) The so-called “Mithraic Cave” of Angera. A new perspective from archaeological investigations
- Vittoria Canciani (2022) Archaeological Evidence of the Cult of Mithras in Ancient Italy