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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras..

Your search gave 753 results.

  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 256

    Marble statuette of Cautopates, according to Giornale d’Italia 28, 3, 1860 found together with the preceding Nos.

    TNMM921 – CIMRM 256

  • Syndexios

    Claudius Arennius Reatinus

    Pater from Nersae, Italia, known by an inscription of his mithraic Apronianus.
  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 722


    TNMM1197 – CIMRM 722

  • Liber

    Los templos del dios Mitra en el Imperio romano (2022)

    Este es un libro que pretende esbozar un panorama general de los documentos mitraicos repartidos a lo largo del Imperio romano.
  • Liber

    En los oscuros lugares del saber (2010)

    El poema de Parménides del siglo V a. C. es, además de uno de los pilares de la cultura occidental, un texto enigmático que ha desafiado a todos sus intérpretes durante más de dos mil quinientos años. A partir de un profundo conocimiento de la filol…
  • Liber

    Filosofía antigua, misterios y magia. Empédocles y la tradición pitagórica (2008)

    «Con verdaderas dotes detectivescas va recorriendo lo que esas maneras abusivas de interpretar el pasado filosófico llevan consigo; el radical desconocimiento de una Atlántida sumergida que va emergiendo en virtud de las artes filológicas de este sing…
  • Liber

    In the dark places of wisdom (1999)

    A set of ancient inscriptions on marble found forty years ago in southern Italy, recording details so bewildering that scholars have kept silent about them. Strange evidence about a tradition of people who were mystics but who were so intensely practic…
  • Video

    INAUGURATO IL MITREO - 23.09.2021

    Video of the Comune di Marino on the Mithraeum of Marino
  • Monumentum

    Relief of Aion-Phanes

    The Aion / Phanes relief, currently on display in the Gallerie Estensi, Moneda, is associated with two Eastern mysteric religions: Mithraism and Orphism.

    TNMM327 – CIMRM 695, 696

    Euphrosy/n[e] et Felix. P(ecunia) p(osuit) / Felix pater.
  • Monumentum

    Aion of Mitreo Fagan

    The marble Aion from the lost Mithraeum Fagan, Ostia, now presides the entrance to the Vatican Library.

    TNMM116 – CIMRM 312, 313

    C. Valeri/us Heracles pat(er) / et C(aii) Valerii / Vitalis et Nico/mes sacerdo/tes s(ua) p(e)c(unia) p(o)s(ue)r(unt). / D(e)d(icatum) idi(bus) aug(ustis) im(peratore) / Com(odo) / VI et / Septi/miano…
  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 418

    Reperta in ascensu Capitolii.

    TNMM996 – CIMRM 418

    Soli sacr(um) / C. Ducenius / C(aii) lib(ertus) Phoebus / filius Zenonis / natus in Suria / Nisybin liber / factus Romae / ex visu / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Procession Fresco from Santa Prisca

    Figures in procession, each representing a different grade of Mithraic initiation, labeled with their respective titles.

    TNMM115 – CIMRM 480

    Nama [patribus] / ab oriente / ad occidente(m) / tutela Saturni. [Na]ma H[eliodromis] / tute[l]a S[ol]is. [Na]ma Persis / tutela [Mer]curis. Nama L[e]on[i]b[us] j tutela Iovis. Nama Militibus j tutela…
  • Monumentum

    CIMRM 595

    Bronze statuette of Mithras in his characteristic bull-slaying pose, though only the god has been preserved.

    TNMM1111 – CIMRM 595

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of the Mitreo delle terme di Mitra

    The person who commanded the sculpture may have been M. Umbilius Criton, documented in the Mitreo della Planta Pedis.

    TNMM108 – CIMRM 230, 231

    Κρίτων / Ἀθηναιος / έποίει.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony marble from Mitreo Fagan

    This sculpture of Mithras killing the bull was dedicated to the ’incomprehensible god’ by a certain priest called Gaius Valerius Heracles.

    TNMM106 – CIMRM 310, 311

    Sig(num) imdeprehensivilis dei G(aius) Valerius Heracles sacerdos s(ua) p(ecunia) p(osuit). L(ucius) Sextius Karus et.
  • Monumentum

    Frescoes with standing figures of Mitreo delle Pareti Dipinte

    The frescoes depict several figures dressed in different garments associated with the Mithraic degrees.

    TNMM104 – CIMRM 268

  • Monumentum

    Busto de Livia



  • Monumentum

    Fresco scene from Mitreo of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

    Fresco showing a scene of initiation into the mysteries of Mithras in the Mithraeum of Santa Maria Capua Vetere.

    TNMM234 – CIMRM 188

  • Monumentum

    Frescoes of lions at Santa Prisca

    Procession of Leones carrying animals, bread, a krater, and other objects in preparation for a feast.

    TNMM498 – CIMRM 481, 482

    Nama Nicephoro leoni; nama Theodoro leoni. Nama Hel[io]doro leoni; Nama Gelasio leoni; Nama Phoebo leoni.
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