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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 393 results.

  • Syndexios

    Claudius Arennius Reatinus

    Pater from Nersae, Italia, known by an inscription of his mithraic Apronianus.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony marble from Mitreo Fagan

    This sculpture of Mithras killing the bull was dedicated to the ’incomprehensible god’ by a certain priest called Gaius Valerius Heracles.

    TNMM106 – CIMRM 310, 311

    Sig(num) imdeprehensivilis dei G(aius) Valerius Heracles sacerdos s(ua) p(ecunia) p(osuit). L(ucius) Sextius Karus et.
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Pisignano

    This low relief on an altar of Mithras killing the bull was found in a church in Pisignano, south of Ravenna.

    TNMM675 – CIMRM 692

  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Aurelius Mithres

    This monument, found in the Domus Flavia in Rome, bears an inscription by a certain Aurelius Mithres.


    [Aurel]ius / Mithres / Aug(usti) l(ibertus) strator / Serapi d(onum) d(edit).
  • Monumentum

    Aion relief of Palazzo Colonna

    The relief of Palazzo Colonna, Rome, depicts a lion-headed figure holding a burning torch in his outstretched hands.

    TNMM317 – CIMRM 383

  • Liber

    Los templos del dios Mitra en el Imperio romano (2022)

    Este es un libro que pretende esbozar un panorama general de los documentos mitraicos repartidos a lo largo del Imperio romano.
  • Liber

    En los oscuros lugares del saber (2010)

    El poema de Parménides del siglo V a. C. es, además de uno de los pilares de la cultura occidental, un texto enigmático que ha desafiado a todos sus intérpretes durante más de dos mil quinientos años. A partir de un profundo conocimiento de la filol…
  • Liber

    Filosofía antigua, misterios y magia. Empédocles y la tradición pitagórica (2008)

    «Con verdaderas dotes detectivescas va recorriendo lo que esas maneras abusivas de interpretar el pasado filosófico llevan consigo; el radical desconocimiento de una Atlántida sumergida que va emergiendo en virtud de las artes filológicas de este sing…
  • Liber

    In the dark places of wisdom (1999)

    A set of ancient inscriptions on marble found forty years ago in southern Italy, recording details so bewildering that scholars have kept silent about them. Strange evidence about a tradition of people who were mystics but who were so intensely practic…
  • Video

    INAUGURATO IL MITREO - 23.09.2021

    Video of the Comune di Marino on the Mithraeum of Marino
  • Monumentum

    Relief of Aion-Phanes

    The Aion / Phanes relief, currently on display in the Gallerie Estensi, Moneda, is associated with two Eastern mysteric religions: Mithraism and Orphism.

    TNMM327 – CIMRM 695, 696

    Euphrosy/n[e] et Felix. P(ecunia) p(osuit) / Felix pater.
  • Monumentum

    Dedication to Zeus-Helios, Mithras, and Phanes

    This is the first known inscription that includes Phanes alongside Mithras found in a Mithraic context.

    TNMM792 – CIMRM 475

    Διὶ Ἡλίῳ Μίθρα Φάνητι / ἱερεὺς καὶ πατὴρ / Βενούστος / σὺν τοῖς / ὑπηρέταις θεοῦ ἀνέθ(ηκεν).
  • Monumentum

    Eros and Psyche

    The Mithraeum of Santa Maria Capua Vetere includes a marble relief depicting a child Eros guiding Psyche through the dark.

    TNMM174 – CIMRM 186

  • Monumentum

    Taurcotony of Nesce

    The relief of Mithras slaying the bull of Nersae includes several episodes from the exploits of the solar god.

    TNMM420 – CIMRM 650, 651

    Apronianus rei p(ublicae) ark(arius) sua pecunia fecit.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony found on the Esquiline

    This white marble relief of Mithras killing the bull was found on the Esquilino near the Church of Saint Lucy in Selci in Rome.

    TNMM146 – CIMRM 368

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Ottaviano Zeno

    In this relief of Mithras as bull slayer, recorded in 1562 in the collection of A. Magarozzi, Cautes and Cautopates have been replaced by trees still bearing the torches.

    TNMM125 – CIMRM 335

  • Monumentum

    Altar of Aquileia to the brave god Mithras

    This altar to Mithras found in Aquilieia mentions several persons of a same community.

    TNMM497 – CIMRM 741

    Deo f(orti) i(nvicto) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / P. Aelius / Mercur(ialis) / Q. Tessig/nius Maxi/mia(nus) patr(es) / pros(esedente) T(ito) Aur(elio) / Victore v(otum) s(olverunt) l(ibentes) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Naples

    The marble relief of Mithras killing the bull in Naples bears an inscription that calls the solar god omnipotentis.

    TNMM464 – CIMRM 174, 175

    Omnipotenti Deo Mithrae Appius / Claudius Tarronius Dexter v(ir) c(larissimus) dicat.
  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Naples

    The Mitreo della crypta neapolitana was used a des legends about its use, from a cult place devoted to Priapus to celebrate Aphrodite.


  • Monumentum

    Altar from the Mitreo sotto la Basilica di San Lorenzo

    This cylindrical marble altar was dedicated by the same Pater Proficentius as the slab, both monuments found in the Mithraeum beneath the Basilica of San Lorenzo.

    TNMM439 – CIMRM 422

    Aebutius Restituti/anus qui et Proficen/tius antistes dei / Solis invicti Mithrae/ aram / d(onum) d(edit).