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Frederick Stoddon

1991-2005 Grabungstechniker - Archaeological Site Supervisor LVR - APX Xanten / LAND GmbH.

Bremen, Germany
Joined December 2023
Dec 2023

I know the Mithras site (since my childhood) at Carrawburgh and have worked at the APX Xanten (Germany) knowing about the Mitras Altar find down the road in Kalkar.

Batava Auxiliary Units where stationed at Xanten and Kalkar until they where transfered in disgrace (after the Batava uprising 69/70AD) to the Vindolanda area.

I was just checking the connection and if the same Batavian Cohort had maybe built and used the two temples and had maybe brought the cult to the area of north England

I was pleasantly surprised to read thie inscription on the other Altar proving a Betavian connection to Mitras at Carrawburgh and to read that evidence points to the lower Rhein area. Although it must not be forgotten that the Betavas home land was in the area of todays Nijmegen in Holland and directly connected to the Northern Lower Rheinarea of Roman Germania Inferior.

The Altar found at Kalkar (not in situ.) is unfortunately dated after the official exodus of the Batavians although the Temple itself has not been found or excavated and the founding of the temple could possibly of an earlier date!

Dec 2023

I know the Mithras site (since my childhood) at Carrawburgh and have worked at the APX Xanten (Germany) knowing about the Mitras Altar find down the road in Kalkar.

Batava Auxiliary Units where stationed at Xanten and Kalkar until they where transfered in disgrace (after the Batava uprising 69/70AD) to the Vindolanda area.

I was just checking the connection and if the same Batavian Cohort had maybe built and used the two temples and had maybe brought the cult to the area of north England

I have been pleasantly surprised to read this inscription proving a Betavian connection to Mitras at Carrawburgh.

The Altar found at Kalkar (not in situ.) is unfortunately dated after the official exodus of the Batavians although the Temple itself has not been found or excavated and the founding of the temple could possibly of an earlier date!

Dec 2023

I know the Mithras site (since my childhood) at Carrawburgh and have worked at the APX Xanten (Germany) knowing about the Mitras Altar find down the road in Kalkar.

Batava Auxiliary Units where stationed at Xanten and Kalkar until they where transfered in disgrace (after the Batava uprising 69/70AD) to the Vindolanda area.

I was just checking the connection and if the same Batavian Cohort had maybe built and used the two temples and had maybe brought the cult to the area of north England

I have been pleasantly surprised to read this inscription proving a Betavian connection to
Mitras at Carrawburgh.
The Altar found at Kalkar (not in situ.) is unfortunately dated after the official exodus of the Batavians although the Temple itself has not been found or excavated and the founding of the temple could possibly of an earlier date!

Dec 2023

Grabungstechniker - Archaeological Site Supervisor
LVR - APX Xanten / LAND GmbH