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Fresco of Mithras

Fresco of Mithras found in an arched niche above the right bench of the Baths of Caracalla’s Mithraeum in Rome.
  • Fresco of Mithras from Caracalla baths.

    Fresco of Mithras from Caracalla baths.

  • CIMRM 459

    CIMRM 459
    Vermaseren's Corpus 

The New Mithraeum
26 Dec 2024
Updated on Dec 2024

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Fresco in an arched niche (H. 1.80 Br. 1.10) above the right bench. Ghislanzoni, 322; Ripostelli, fig. 79; Parpaglio, 58f and fig. XV. See fig. 127. Mithras, dressed in purple tunic with long sleeves and anaxyrides, wears on his head the Phrygian cap, of which only the point has been preserved. His face, on which traces of red paint, is badly damaged. In his l.h. a light-blue globe. The other hand is stretched out over a kind of base (small altar?), above which a greenish undefinable object is visible. In his neck a small hole. Judging from traces next to his shoulders, the whole niche was pai…

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