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Votive plaque of Stockstadt

This plaque was found in Mithraeum I at Stockstadt broken into pieces inserted between the blocks of the socle of the cult relief, in the manner of a votive deposit.
Silver-plated copper plate of Stockstadt

Silver-plated copper plate of Stockstadt
The New Mithraeum / Olivier-Antoine Reÿnès (CC BY-SA) 

The New Mithraeum
16 Jan 2022
Updated on Feb 2022

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Small silver plate (H. 0.13 Br. 0.10 D. 0.001). Museum Saalburg. According to Wirth it was found 'beim Aufbrechen des Sockels für das Kultbild zwischen den Steinen steckend.'

An aedicola with two columns decorated with spiral shafts and leaf capitals. It has a triangular pediment, stylized akroteria and roof tiles. Under an arch the representation of Mithras as a bullkiIler in the usual dress and attitude. The god looks at the raven sitting upon his flying cloak. The bull's tail seems to end in two corn-ears. The dog and tbe scorpion. Underneath the bull is a standing amphora with a


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