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Marble slab with inscription of Aelius Urbanus

The Mithraic fellow P. Aelius Urbanus mentions that he built the sacred area of the Mithraeum Circo Massimo.
Plaque with inscription of Aelius Urbanus

Plaque with inscription of Aelius Urbanus
Csaba Szabo 

The New Mithraeum
29 Jan 2022

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On a marble slab (H. 0.33 Br. 0.45). L.H. 0.025.

Soli invict[o Mithrae] / sacrarium [fecit] / P. Aelius Ur[banus or Urbicus] / sub A. Sergio Eutycho / sacerdote.

To the invincible sun Mithras. P. Aelius Urbanus built the sacred area when A. Sergius Eutychus was priest.

Pietrangeli, 29 No. 1.

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