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Tauroctony relief from Alba Iulia

This marble relief from Alba Iulia contains numerous scenes from the myth of Mithras.
Tauroctony relief from Alba Iulia

Tauroctony relief from Alba Iulia
Codrin.B (CC BY-SA) 

The New Mithraeum
2 Feb 2022
Updated on Sep 2023

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Oblong relief (H. 0.63 Br. 0.74 D. 0.03) Muzeul Regional Inv. No. 225/1. The l. bottom corner is lost.

The relief is divided into three parts by two horizontal rims of which the higher bears an inscription. On either side of the central panel there is a column with a volute-capital. In the grotto which is indicated by a leaf border is the usual representation of Mithras as a bullkiller. The raven is perched on this border; the scorpion is not visible; the dog and the serpent hold their heads near the wound. Cautes (r) raises up a torch with his r.h. and holds another torch in his l.h.;


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