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Mithraeum V of Aquincum

The fifth mithraeum from Aquincum has been found in the house of a military tribune.
Altar of Libella

Altar of Libella
The New Mithraeum / Andreu Abuín (CC BY-SA) 

The New Mithraeum
9 Feb 2022
Updated on Feb 2022

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An inscription and six altar stones were found in situ at the Mithraeum V of ancient Aquincum, Óbuda, Budapest. The sanctuary was installed during a renovation that took place during the Severan period.

Related monuments

Altar of Libella, Budapest

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Altar from Aquincum by Castinus

This altar to Mithras is dedicated by a certain Gaius Iulius Castinus, legate prefect of the emperors.

Base of Buda

This base was found in the 18th century and bears an inscription to the god Arimanius.

Mithraeum II of Aquincum in Victorinus’s house

This temple of Mithras in Aquincum was located within the private house of the decurio Marcus Antonius Victorinus.


Mithraeum IV of Aquincum

The Mithraeum of Symphorus and Marcus, in Óbuda, Budapest, has been restored to public view in 2004 and, while well presented, it has been heavily restored.

Mithraeum I of Aquincum

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Mithraeum VI of Aquincum

A sixth temple dedicated to Mithras has been identified for the first time in the military sector of the ancient Roman city of Aquincum.

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