Probably an slave that dedicated an altar to Arimanius in Aquincum.
of Libella
- Libella was a Leo of the Mithraeum V of Aquincum.
- Active c. 2nd century in Aquincum, Pannonia inferior (Pannonia).
TNMP 120
Libella, probably a slave, held the grade of Lion (Leo), the most common in Mithraic epigraphy after that of Father (Pater). He offers this small altar in a Mithraeum, as is suggested by the verb dicare ('to dedicate'). This action is accomplished for his 'brothers' (fratres), who would either have been fellow worshippers at the same grade as Libella, or more generally members of his religious community. Lions regularly identify themselves as such in inscriptions - which reveals a specific status, if not a central one, between Father, at the top of the ladder, and Ravens, at the bottom. During Mithraic ceremonies, they ensured the purification of the space with incense and fire, or even occupied themselves with food preparation. Other Lions are also named in the epigraphy of Aquincum.
—Ádám Szabó (2021) The Mystery of Mithras. Exploring the heart of a Roman cult
- Bricault, Veymers, Amoroso et al. (2021) The Mystery of Mithras. Exploring the heart of a Roman cult
Altar of Libella, Budapest
TNMM 403
The dedicant of this altar to the god Arimanius was probably a slave who held the grade of Leo.
Mithraeum V of Aquincum
TNMM 501
The fifth mithraeum from Aquincum has been found in the house of a military tribune.
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